styles differ from player to player. Each game is unique depending on
what mix of styles are in action. The best players change their behaviour
depending on their opponents. All players can be allocated a style, or
a combination of styles, to describe their strategy. |
'Aggressive' |
hard and often. Calls bets and makes high raises. All in all too often.
Wants opponents to smell the fear and be frightened. Scare mongerer. |
playing styles |
'Bully' |
every hand's a winner. Give this player a chip lead and watch out. Bets
big to win big. Likes to see players fold. Stand up to this player and the
bully may break. |
'Caller' |
folds in the face of a raise. Refuses to accept the prospect of a bluff.
Pride and dignity intermingled with a little impatience. Likes to be involved
in the game. |
'Calculator' |
player. Calculates the probabilities of receiving cards throughout a hand.
Won't play if the moneys not right. Rarely bluffs. Dangerous. |
'Charmer' |
best friend. Generous with praise for others. Stabs you in the back whilst
laughing at your jokes. Puts the table at ease before moving in for the
kill. |
'Novice' |
Whats that? Willing to learn but having trouble grasping the concept. Can
be dangerous. How do you bluff someone who doesnt know what they have? Will
call. |
"Controller" |
Keeps table guessing by rarely showing a hand unless victorious. The 'asking
price' must always be paid. Uses words and body language to deceive. |
"Dazzler" |
show player. Lays high scoring hands face down. Rarely shows a weak hand.
Brash, boasting and over confident. Tries to blind and distract other players. |
"Erratic" |
on their mood. Plays different styles depending on the atmosphere and opponents.
Occasional drinkers are frequently in this category. Difficult to predict. |
"Grinder" |
assassin. Plays few hands. Tries to 'grind' the table down with slow play.
Rarely bluffs. If betting get the hell out of there. Always a contender,
rarely a winner. |
"Hustler" |
like a beginner. Vocal about still learning the game. Acts confused and
naive. Tries to make the table over confident. Acts surprised if hands are
won. Assassin. |
"Iceman" |
difficult player to read. Rarely displays emotion during a hand. Like a
duck, calm on the surface whilst paddling like mad beneath. A dangerous
opponent. |
"Kamikaze" |
Plays like there's no tomorrow. All in on a wing and a prayer. Attacks in
the early stages. Risk taker. Hopes the early wins lead to an afterlife. |
"Passive" |
hands if raised. Rarely raises own hand. Has to have the 'bullets' (two
aces) to think about a bet. Needs good cards all night to win a game. |
"Social" |
poker is secondary to having a good time and a few drinks. Not interested
in learning the game. Often out early and seen drinking at the poker graveyard
(bar). |
"Thinker" |
long and hard about each hand. Slow play. Often talk themselves out of a
bet. Too much information is a dangerous thing. A canny player. |
"Trickster" |
for the bluff. Plays strong when weak. Plays weak when strong. Lies and
deceit are the foundations of this players game. Never trust a trickster.
"Talker" |
talker. Loud and vocal about own cards and other peoples. Puts table on
tilt using distracting and annoying banter. Tactics are frowned upon in
the Poker Jokers. |
"Wild" |
disruptive, abrasive, rude and loud. Open celebration in front of victims.
Tries to break the concentration of opponents. Prone to heavy drinking. |
you have a different poker style? Do you believe one poker style is more
effective than another?